Monday, August 20, 2007

One week in Arusha!

Dearest everyone, it's my one-week anniversary in Arusha, I just realized! Well, today I celebrated (I guess) by taking the daladala (public bus) by myself for the first time. I'd like to make this mode of transport a comfortable option, if possible, because it's extremely cheap, faster than walking, avoids unnecessary use of fuel, etc. So I successfully got onto the correct bus (the Kisongo line) and, with the help of a very kind old woman next to me to who conversed with me mainly via hand gesture, got off at the right stop! Getting around is not easy or relaxing, but if you keep your head about you, it's perfectly safe, and anyway I have to get used to it sometime ...

Doing work for my job (helping manage the Suzuki program, corresponding with parents, doing US non-profit funding research on the internet) can be really comforting when things start to feel chaotic here. It's good for me to remember that I did come here to do a job, and that I can be helpful and productive even as I'm getting settled into third-world living. Of course, for me it's mostly first-world conditions: hot showers, internet, clean clothes, good Indian restaurants, rations of dark chocolate, etc. But occasionally the energy required to deter theft, or the unannounced power cuts (on Sunday night we had no electricity for thirteen hours or more), remind me of where I am.

In general, I'm feeling fine. I got to talk to my entire family yesterday on the phone, which was truly great. I got choked up of course. I'm talking with Tyler as often as we can manage, though I miss him terribly and the time difference and other communication barriers are taking some getting used to. He's being extremely patient, and I'm grateful. I'm already dreaming of when he visits in February. Not exactly living in the moment, I know, but still .... =)

Thanks SO much for the friendly comments, it makes me smile to read them! Please keep 'em coming.


Alex Kruzel said...

Ellen, darling, how quickly 1 week has passed! I am so very proud of your seemingly rapid assimilation into your new community and inspiring steadfastness amongst a storm of surprises. So glad your making use of the public transport, huzzah!, and moving and shaking like I knew you would. Keep on keeping on with this most whirlwind Tanzanian adventure,
and know I will be your happy neighbor in one short month's time (aha!) and the scheming can truly begin.
All my love to you,

Anonymous said...

Hey El!
The family was in Newport this weekend and your mom told us about your blog so I wanted to say Hi and I will certainly be following your African adventures. I hope your transition is going well-from your entries it seems pretty much like a whirl wind. I'm so excited for you, this "trip" is going to be so amazing.
love Kailin

Anonymous said...

Hey, Ellen! I'm really enjoying keeping up with your blog as you begin to settle into your new country, new language, new job...did I mention adjusting to everything new??? We're looking forward to visiting with you next month. So thankful your initial days have proved informative and encouraging.

jpmcsweeney said...

Hi, Ellen.

I have given your blogspot address to the entire state of Rhode Island including friends of mine, people you have met through me, etc.

Pehaps you will be getting more comments than you expected!

Sounds like a great adventure!

Much love,

Poppa Joe.