Saturday, September 1, 2007

Our tiny and wonderful outreach program

Today was the first day of real lessons for our outreach kids, the Tanzanian kids who pay about $2/hr for lessons at the Arusha Community Church on Saturdays. While I was a little nervous waking up this morning about the many challenges that outreach teaching would bring me (parents with very limited English and very specific questions; registration forms and instrument checkout forms to be filled out; new students to meet and work with), I found myself enjoying our Saturday morning at the church as much as I've enjoyed any teaching this week. There is a real feeling of community: families often come early and stay very late, observing lessons, chatting with each other and with us teachers, watching their kids play in the courtyard. It really feels good to be part of something positive in the community, something that the kids enjoy doing and that the parents are happy to bring their children to. These people probably have many problems that we cannot imagine, but they are warm, relaxed, and engaged in the program environment. I was so excited to sign up two lovely new dads for their kids to begin lessons! It's wonderful to be able to bring new people into the program and provide something special for them.

While the Church is awesome to let us rent the space cheaply, it would be even more amazing to have our very own space! Space for the kids to play, places to have snacks, performance spaces, teaching space, office space ... sigh. Our organization's biggest search right now is for a home.

I've been a bit homesick recently, missing the familiar comforts of home. Today is Jessica's birthday, so we'll go out to dinner with some friends to celebrate ... I still haven't really gotten to go camping or to see the bush, so I hope we can all get away from work long enough to do that soon.

Love, Ellen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yesterday, Dave & I were sitting at the computer with Dolores (he was trying to fix some problems with her Dell) and we read together the last couple of entries we'd missed. Thank you SO much for doing this blog.

Last night was the big dinner party to celebrate Joanne's 50th. It was at Hemenways (oo la la) in a private room. Will had gone all out, and it was yummy and fun. I sat with your Mom & Dad. And, of course, talked about you.

Garth & Kathy left last night for Tanzania. They were so eager to get there! I sure hope you can hook up with them.

As for the homesick stuff, don't ever forget that people here miss you as much as you are missing them. You are SO loved!!

bj (and dm)