Monday, December 3, 2007

1. We gave a benefit concert on Friday and raised $600! It was a fantastic success in terms of turnout and it felt great for all the Umoja staff to give performances as a team, to put on an event for the community as an organization. Hopefully we will do another in January when Mom and Dad are here.

2. I'm counting down the days til my departure (less than two weeks now) like a giddy schoolgirl. It's been far too long since I saw Tyler, my parents, my siblings -- including my little brother who just finished his first semester of COLLEGE -- and the prospect of all our amazing family traditions at Christmas makes me feel warm and tingly. Unfortunately Molly won't be around for the holiday because she's having an awesome adventure on the West Coast ... that's really sad, but I'm also super excited for her to be traveling.

3. The music school is in stressful transition as we attempt to schedule all our students into the new space. Juggling twenty people's (or more) different hectic schedules, unpredictable commute times, traffic, children who can't focus past 5pm but don't finish school til 2:30 ... has been extremely stressful for me. Dealing with displeased, demanding parents isn't my idea of a good time. So I am just praying to finish the damn schedule and be done with it. Wish me luck.

Hopefully SEE some of you SOON.

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